In a world where more tarot readers are more concerned about what decks to purchase or how to interpret things in different circumstances, there’s an aspect that everyone overlooks. The client! Different people have different reactions and may also react differently to readings.

Tarot clients can face all kinds of problems. Some of them need to find love. Others struggle with their careers. Their emotions go in all possible directions. What do you do if you struggle with a client then? What if it’s someone who you can’t vibe with?

Let’s find out what type of clients you may have and how you need to deal with them.

The Obnoxious Type

The obnoxious type is quite common and often revolves around a strong personality. For instance, you may end up dealing with people who are loud, rather than quiet and able to match the atmosphere you’re trying to create.

Sometimes, they may have a nervous laugh that could put you off. The thing is you’ll deal with all kinds of people. If someone’s harmless, there’s nothing to be concerned about. Simply focus on the reading and interpret things according to their situation.

At the end of the day, you’ll deal with the public, meaning you’ll find different types of people. Some of them will be sad and quiet, others might be loud or annoying, not to mention the weird ones. Bottom line, their personality should never be an issue.

Crossing the Line

Some tarot clients with less experience in this practice aren’t always aware of the etiquette during a reading. Generally speaking, bad jokes or comments shouldn’t really be tolerated. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re trying to be rude, but maybe that’s how they break the ice.

Readers usually have two options in such situations. If you can sense a bad joke wasn’t made with bad intentions, you can set some boundaries. In a worse situation, you can refuse the reading too.

Things can become even more problematic in such situations. That’s also one of the reasons wherefore many tarot readers prefer online platforms these days. Whether they read by live chat, phone or video call, dealing with tarot clients crossing the line becomes much easier.

Different Beliefs

Some tarot clients have had good experiences in the past and have managed to find the guidance they needed. To others, tarot is more of a curiosity, not to mention those who are quite skeptical about the practice.

Different beliefs won’t just feel uncomfortable, but negative energies will also prevent you from establishing a connection.

Obviously, when it comes to tarot reading, there’s no room for political views. Even if spiritual philosophies are different, it doesn’t mean people have to be vocal about them. You’re there to do a job, yet some people may still be vocal about things.

In such cases, it’s wiser to just let things go, rather than start expressing your personal opinions. Whether the beliefs are different or just irrelevant, don’t bother about them. Problems arise when clients may ask for your opinions, usually after or before elections, as well as religious events.

The Emotional Type

Apart from the above mentioned problems, you may also have to deal with people who are simply too emotional. Their emotions aren’t natural, but caused by different issues, such as trauma from the past, the loss of a loved one or just the idea of hitting rock bottom.

Don’t be surprised if someone’s who going through a hardship will end up in tears by the table, especially if your reading triggers certain emotions. However, it’s also important to keep it professional. You’re not a carer and while you can say some nice words, it’s important to make people understand how tarot works.

Just because a card looks bad, it doesn’t mean anything is set in stone. Instead, a card can provide a warning. On the same note, you can push the reading in a more advisory direction, letting your tarot clients know that things can change based on the decisions they make.

This isn’t fate or destiny, but only a potential outcome that can be changed.

The Skeptical Type

It’s perfectly normal for tarot clients to be a bit skeptical when it comes to readings, especially if they’re not familiar with the industry or they’ve had some negative experiences in the past. But there’s a difference between being skeptical and being rude about it.

If someone comes in asking you to guess their name, chances are you won’t get anywhere with this reading. You won’t even be able to properly connect to their aura. On the other hand, if you can see their nervousness because of their skepticism, you can usually push the reading into the right direction.

Mismatching Personalities

It’s perfectly normal to run into people with all kinds of personalities. It’s also normal for others to have contrasting personalities, meaning they’ll feel completely different once you start talking to them to find out more.

Most people can tell straight away when there’s a personality mismatch. It’s not just you feeling it, but they’ll also feel a bit anxious about it.

While you can often find a common ground, the truth is a big mismatch won’t always provide the desired results. In this case, such people are better off with readers who match their personalities.

It doesn’t mean you’ll have to stop reading or kick them out. But if you fail to connect and the reading doesn’t really make sense, it pays off being honest about it and explaining why it won’t work out.

As a general rule of thumb, you need to do what feels right for you, but at the same time, don’t forget that you’re dealing with people, so you may also find people who don’t match your style.

As a final conclusion, tarot clients come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them are nervous, others could be emotional or even rude about the practice. No matter what kind of readings you provide, you’ll need some boundaries in place.