You Just "Know" When You're In The Flow

July 7, 2014
Katherine Austin Wooley


It was an early morning in India as the mist was rising from the hills surrounding the ashram.  Four of us met in the lobby of our sweet boutique hotel ready to make the short walk down the quiet alley past the cows sleeping to our 4am sadhana.

It was probably day 3 or 4 of sadhana (early morning prayer, yoga and meditations).  Our teacher sat at the front as usual taking a few minutes to allow Spirit to speak through him. Today's message was one that has stuck with me ever since.

"When your third eye and crown chakra open, you just know."  You. Just. Know.  You just know you are connected to something so much bigger.  Something bigger that's the doer of everything.  You can't explain it.  You have felt it, experienced it and witnessed it over and over in daily life.

The path or process of yoga (union) is to uplink you to the cosmic current.  To clear away all that blocks that higher connection.  The yoga, breath work, mantra, meditation and gong help you do the clearing.  When we arrive to this life as an infant, we are completely connected.  We have no filters or conditioning.  Maybe some karmas to clear, but we are pretty pure at that moment when life begins.

Then we start the journey of life and along the way of life's "exercises" or lessons, we can get a little cloudy or gunked up.  No problem, let's breathe and move out the stress regularly to stay as clear as possible. It doesn't take much to keep our frequency up everyday.

Fast forward to a recent summer week as I walked a beach on Florida's eastern shore.  It was 9am on a warm, humid, drippy Saturday morning.  I needed to get my feet in the sand and ground with nature. So much going on.  Need to stay grounded and take care of me.

I was listening to mantra; I ran away from the waves (sneakers on) as they came rushing into the sand.  I love to stroll the beach looking for angel wing shells to add to my collection.  I walked quite a ways, sweat dripping from my forehead and body.  It felt so good to sweat; purify.

I turned around at some point and headed back.  Walking past the entrance I came in, I felt I needed to journey a little further.

I continued north on the beach. For some reason I felt that I needed to stop at this one spot and look out to the ocean and ponder life; ponder some new big decisions.

Feel the sun's energy and (as I regularly do) have a gratitude moment for my wonderful "second chance" life.

After a few minutes, I turn around ready to head back and at that exact spot facing me was an angel!  I did not see it initially. Someone had laid on the sand (who knows when) the form of an angel sweeping with their arms and legs and then outlined the image with shells! Crazy!  Yes, Speechless Yes! Coincidence? Not at all.

This is how it works.  But it's still quite BIG at times when these spiritual alignments/messages occur.  I never get tired of or used to them!  I love the confirmation of a bigger presence directing the show.

So keep clearing and keep opening your connection and watch for the miracles! Miracles are just a shift in perception. They've always been there. We just need to get clear enough to notice them.








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