Yoga And Snowshoeing? Yep!

January 22, 2014


I forgot how intense and wildly invigorating an hour of snowshoeing can be. Plowing through a foot and a half of fresh angelic snow this morning, up and down the endless undulating hills of the neighboring golf course, took every ounce of power and perseverance I could muster. Of course, my son Ben and our dog Franky glided through the trenches and snow traps with no trouble.

Born with an unrelenting desire to challenge myself, I just had to try a snow-stand; that's a handstand in the snow. Lifting myself up with my boots and snowshoes on proved to be the most physically demanding thing I have tried in a very long time. It's nothing like the handstands I pop effortlessly into in class; it barely felt related. After several attempts, though, I made it upside down.

But, I will tell you this...

Without a strong core and fierce determination to succeed (thanks to a regular yoga practice), that snow stand never would have happened. As a matter of fact, I'm not so sure I could have snowshoed as long as we did without those vital mental and physical devices reinforced daily through yoga and meditation. It felt as though I had pushed a brick wall for two miles without the use of my arms.  I couldn't find the trekking poles.

We stopped a few times and played around with our yoga poses; that was crazy fun. And I fell down too many times to count, due to unexpected snow traps and tripping over dancing Franky, who was out-of-his-mind happy!

That was some workout; my body was still quivering four hours later and my heart and soul soaring with excitement and pure joy.

I almost forgot to mention that in our effort to amp up the workout and score total exhaustion, we topped it off with jogging and running sprints to "ad nauseum." During my desperate recovery from a soaring heart rate, probably 170, I told Ben to be sure and stay close - just in case!

Midway, Ben turned to me and said, "Mom, I'm so lucky to be able to do awesome things like this with my parents."

The very best of life is in the simplicity of it all. I'm the lucky one; this day was a beautiful blessing!

"I believe we would be happier to have a personal revolution in our individual lives and go back to simpler living and more direct thinking. It is the simple things of life that make living worthwhile, the sweet fundamental things such as love and duty, work and rest, and living close to nature." — Laura Ingalls Wilder

The snowshoes Ben used I had bought for my husband 15 years ago; then, my husband would do just about anything with me at the time to gain my affection.

Ha! He never used them - not once. He was getting his own workout at home shoveling snow while we snowshoed. He claims that was his yogic experience for the week!

This was the best day ever, and I can't wait to do it again.

So, aren't we all just dying to get the lowdown about snowshoeing fitness facts? Of course I did the research!

Snowshoeing today offers something for anyone interested in the outdoors. Whether you're looking for an afternoon walk around a neighborhood trail, a weekend hike, access to backcountry powder, mountain views, a new winter workout, or just some family fun, here are a few quicks facts about snowshoeing:

* Snowshoeing is the least expensive winter sport, at roughly 20% the cost of alpine skiing equipment, according to

* Snowshoeing is fabulous fun and easy to learn.

* Modern snowshoes are safe, simple, and user-friendly. Snowshoeing allows access to winter's hidden landscape.

* Snowshoeing is a rich, rewarding social activity that combines, fitness, outdoors, and friends.

* Snowshoeing offers highly effective fitness, burning 420-1,000 calories an hour depending on terrain, weight and speed.

* Snowshoeing is a low-impact sport that's great for recuperation or non-impact strength building and works every muscle in your body (says me!)

* Once you have the gear, it's free - your snowshoes are your ticket to winter fun.

* Snowshoeing is equally fun for everyone, from kids to grandparents.

* It's the perfect way to stay active in winter, when most people become sedentary. Throw in a mantra and a few warrior poses along the way...

It doesn't get much better!

Always love,


This article was originally published on Allison's website,

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