It was a Full Moon Full Retreat!

May 27, 2013
Katherine Austin Wooley


Sat Nam!

I'm still Up North relishing the post bhav of another retreat weekend at Song of The Morning Ranch in Vanderbilt, Michigan!

Karma Ayurveda Team member Dave Lesinski and I hosted a Heart-Based Meditation and Yoga Retreat with 25 beautiful souls over a powerful full moon/lunar eclipse weekend.  Our journey this past weekend was one of filling ourselves up with LOVE!

Dave's an Ayurvedic practioner and a Heart-Based Meditation teacher like myself.  We were so grateful and honored to assist people in healing and raising their consciousness.  Between their yoga experiences, lectures, gong baths and meditations that pulled it all together, we witnessed, and everyone experienced, a powerful shift.

The group that came together for this retreat was incredible. You could just tell that our souls had made a "contract" long ago to be together for this weekend of soul work.

In addition to many Karma Yoga students and staff that joined us, two lovely women from Westland and Grosse Isle found us through SOM's website and two women from Chicago came just from searching online for a weekend retreat!

Nature always provides a beautiful, high vibration for elevation.  It was beyond celestial to bring the gong up and play it in the yoga dome.  Wow.

And were we surprised to see 20+ at our newly added 4am Sadhana each morning!  That was beyond beautiful.  Many of SOM's staff joined us too.  The robin's nest right outside our sadhana room was a beautiful metaphor.  The new birds lifting their beaks, mouths opened wide to receive new energy to begin life. It was as if they were chanting Aquarian mantras with us.

Practicing during the Amrit Vela time of 4 - 6 am makes anything you do 40x more powerful.  Now that's good bang for your buck since the mind doesn't usually care to rise too early.

We experienced several Kundalini Yoga partner meditations that helped clear cloudy communication and heal all types of relationships. And a big thank-you to Bowen practitioner Regina Townsend who assisted our students in going even deeper with our teachings. She saw three people at a time all day long; her work was a perfect complement to help our students let go and receive the healing and teachings in a much deeper and profound way.

We can't wait to do this again...and again...and again. Next up: Plan on joining us October 11 - 13th for another great weekend in northern Michigan to meditate, elevate and reconnect with your soul.  Save the date!

Off to play in nature, watch the deer frolic and bask in the knowing that Divine Love is always around guiding, supporting, protecting and loving us.....


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